Safeguarding Guide

What is this guide about?

Working Together to Safeguard Children (usually just called Working Together) tells the different professionals – like teachers, doctors, school nurses, health visitors, social workers and others – and organisations working with you and your family, what they should be doing to improve your life and to keep you safe from abuse and neglect. In Working Together, ‘children’ means anyone who is not yet 18 years old.

This Young Person’s Guide has been written to help explain the Working Together guidance. It might be useful to you if you have questions about help you think that you or someone you are worried about should be getting.

To read the guide, click on the link below:

YPs Guide.PNG

Young Person's Guide to Working Together to Safeguard Children


Chester Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NA

June Sedgwick | School Business Manager

0151 832 6600

Designated Safeguarding Lead -


At Archers Brook School we recognise the importance of building safe, supportive relationships with the children, young people and families that we work with. By applying the principles of Our Way of Working we celebrate our settings ability to apply a trauma informed approach.

Artsmark Parter Autism Accreditation West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber Of Commerce Forest School Association Sport England The Nurture Group Network The Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Healhty School The basic Skills Agency. Quality mark 3 chesire west & cheshire Investors In Families