Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are central to the Careers Programme delivered at Archers Brook. Our careers curriculum and each activity we plan considers these benchmarks as we aim to develop pupils into young adults who are ready to embark upon their own career journey.
BM 1 A stable careers programme – Our careers programme ensures all KS3 pupils have access to one hours’ worth of careers lessons each week. In KS4 pupils are supported to attend various events and have encounters with a variety of employers and FE establishments. Pupils also complete a preparation for work unit in year 10. Our programme is shared with the Senior Leadership Team and Governors. Our programme is evaluated annually with input from students, teachers, employers and parent/ carers as we strive to improve.
BM 2 Learning from career and labour market information – Pupils regularly access Morrisby to support their understanding of Labour Market Information within various sectors. Pupils can access Morrisby with those at home in order to view this material together. Morrisby provides LMI for all careers and sectors, including those pupils have marked as an interest of theirs. Viewing of this material develops knowledge of LMI both in the present and future. Dojo is used to inform parents/ carers of possible opportunities and events within their local area.
BM 3 Addressing the needs of each student – Our programme, including experiences of the work place, consistently considers the needs of all. Activities, offers, experiences and encounters are carefully thought out and tailored to suit the needs of all ensuring each pupil has the best possible experience when engaging with our careers programme. Pupils have access to Morrisby and a folder that follows them throughout their time at Archers Brook. Within these records are stored allowing pupils to view engagements and advice given to them in order to support their career development. Through the children’s and young people’s service we collect destinations data upon those pupils that leave Archers Brook.
BM 4 Linking curriculum learning to careers – During National Careers Week we embed careers within our curriculum. Each subject will deliver lessons that amplifies the importance of that subject within various careers. This is delivered across the whole school and aims to demonstrate the importance of all subjects within the world of work. Each subject is also responsible for organising workshops, visits, encounters etc that provides a first-hand experience of how their subject is used within the real world.
BM 5 Encounters with employer and employees – Pupils across all year groups will have meaningful encounters with employers throughout the school year. This will be through encounters organised by the careers lead and through events put on by subject teachers. Opportunities will be hosted at school and will include visits that allow for encounters with both employers and employees. Students understanding of various sectors, and what it is like to work within that sector, will benefit from this. The careers and enterprise companies making it meaningful checklist is used for each encounter to ensure pupils can make the most of the encounters they have. Pupils in KS4 will access a range of opportunities including careers fairs, apprenticeship fairs, the NCS programme and the Pledge Explore Programme. Each provide the opportunity for pupils to have numerous meaningful engagements with both employers and employees.
BM 6 Experiences of the workplace – Pupils are supported and encouraged to source work experience placements within year 10. Placements will be supported by the school and are considered within curriculum planning. The school also has a variety of placements that we can tailor in order to suit the needs of our pupils. In order to be inclusive and ensure all get the best experiences of the workplace we have tailored are programme to consider and support all. Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver are delivered at Archers Brook allowing pupils to gain experiences of the workplace as they engage within volunteering. All of our KS4 pupils will also complete a 6-week work placement at Bren Bikes who specialise in offering people with learning disabilities and autism the opportunity to experience supported, bespoke work placements. Our year 10 pupils will also engage in a project that raises money whilst working directly with an employer. This year we will be working with Hospice of The Good Shepherd. Pupils will be prepped on expectations before working together in order to create plans meeting the expectations of the project. Year 10 pupils will organise workloads for KS3 pupils as we create a whole school enterprise approach. Finally, pupils will complete the project at the work place and receive feedback from the employer.
BM 7 Encounters with further and higher education – All pupils in KS3 will encounter a further education establishment. This encounter will entail both visits to and from establishment. The provider will change each year to ensure pupils engage with various FE establishments throughout their time at Archers Brook. KS4 pupils will encounter further education providers during this time. In addition to this KS4 pupils will visit local colleges to discuss the courses on offer, encounter further/ higher education providers at careers/ apprenticeship fairs and have the opportunity to participate in secondary college in which they will trial courses they believe to be of interest to them.
BM 8 Personal guidance – Throughout KS4 pupils will meet with a trained careers adviser on 3 occasions. These guidance interviews will support our pupils to consider the options available to them as they move towards their post 16 pathway. Pupils will have the opportunity to share ideas and thoughts whilst being provided with guidance on how to achieve success. Pupils within year 9 will meet with their careers lead as they look to discuss their current career ideas considering steps and possible challenges that may arise when working towards these aspirations.
You will find all of our career’s activities (and the Gatsby Benchmarks that guide their delivery) within our curriculum plans on the career’s curriculum page.
We are proud to regularly achieve 100% against all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks during compass reviews. Follow the links below to view our latest results. We understand the importance of all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks in building an efficient and sustainable careers programme that supports the development of our pupils. We regularly aim to develop our programme with these Benchmarks acting as what they are, a Benchmark. We now strive to work beyond these as we continue to develop the careers programme at Archers Brook.
As we strive to consistently improve our careers programme we consider factors that may change and have a direct impact on our programme. Our internal leadership review allows us to reflect upon the quality of careers provision within Archers Brook. View our latest internal leadership review by following the link below.