Food Technology


The intent of the food technology curriculum at Archers Brook is to encourage pupils of all ages to reflect on food and nutrition to promote healthy life choices by understanding what constitutes to a healthy balanced diet.

The curriculum is designed to allow pupils make progress through practical and theoretical assessment with suitable resources to enable all pupils to partake. Pupils will develop links with other agencies to further their knowledge in hospitality and catering and broaden their understanding of the industry.

Cross-curriculum links will not only strengthen pupils learning in numeracy and literacy but also cover key aspect of their Personal and Social Development. 

Food Technology is planned efficiently with collaborative resources, schemes of work, short/medium and long term planning to recognise strengths/areas for development in order to establish a reflective framework to encourage student progress. 


 Pupils are taught food technology across all key stages to encourage an understanding of food and nutrition from an early age. The curriculum enables pupils to demonstrate independence and prompt reflective learning at points throughout practical/theoretical lessons. This allows pupils to make connections between health and nutritious meal planning, structured in accordance with the 5 food groups.

All pupils actively participate in their own learning with subject teachers communicating high expectations with a clear understanding of the curriculum content. The curriculum is taught by highly motivated, enthusiastic teaching staff with passion for food and nutrition, this effectively inspires pupils to produce a high standard of work with ambitions to progress over time.   


Pupils at Archer’s Brook will develop both a practical and theoretical skill set. Understanding how to safely use knives, ovens, grills and hobs whilst understanding the potential hazards of such equipment.

Pupils will be independent and confident cooks, with the ability to cook food safely with core health and hygiene principles used.

Pupils will understand where the food is grown, reared, or caught and processed, the choices people make about certain food according to religion, culture, ethical and moral belief, the nutritional content in the food they eat and a rage of different factors that influence food choice. Pupils with further understand food science in relation to working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients.


This scheme of work has been developed to enable pupils to learn how to cook dishes, safely and hygienically, and to apply their knowledge of nutrition to the dishes they prepare in line with the Eat Well Guide


  • Pupils will be introduced to the principles of food hygiene and safety.

  • Pupils will aquire the knowledge of the equipment needed in the cooking room and how it is used.

  • Pupils will be taught food preparation and cooking techniques.

  • Pupils will be taught knowledge and understanding of ingredients and healthy eating.


Year 7

This scheme of work has been developed to enable pupils to acquire a range of food skills, increasing in complexity and accuracy, to cook a range of dishes, safely and hygienically, and to apply their knowledge of nutrition and food provenance


  • Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of ingredients and healthy eating. 

  • Pupils will develop their knowledge food provenance.

  • Pupils will acquire and demonstrate food preparation and cooking techniques.

  • Pupils will acquire and demonstrate the principles of food hygiene and safety.

  • Pupils will develop their knowledge of consumer food and drink choice.

  • Pupils will apply their knowledge to make informed choices.

Year 8

This scheme of work has been developed to enable pupils to develop and demonstrate a range of food skills, increasing in complexity and accuracy, to cook a range of dishes, safely and hygienically, and to apply their knowledge of nutrition and food provenance. In addition, they will consider the factors that affect food choice, food availability and food waste.


  • Pupils will deepen their knowledge and understanding of food and nutrition.

  • Pupils will deepen their knowledge food provenance.

  • Pupils will further develop their food skills and techniques.

  • Pupils will further develop and demonstrate the principles of food hygiene and safety.

  • Pupils will deepen and apply their knowledge of consumer food and drink choice.

  • Pupils will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently.

  • Pupils will build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to create and make recipes and dishes for a wide range of people.

Year 9

This scheme of work has been developed to enable pupils to secure and demonstrate a range of food skills, increasing in complexity and accuracy, to cook a wider range of dishes, safely and hygienically, and to apply their knowledge of nutrition and food provenance. In addition, they will consider consumer issues, food and its functions and new trends in food.


  • Pupils will extend their knowledge and understanding of food, diet and health.

  • Pupils will extend food preparation and cooking techniques.

  • Pupils will extend their knowledge of food provenance and consumer information.

  • Pupils will extend and apply their knowledge of consumer food and drink choice.

  • Pupils will secure the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently.

  • Pupils will build and apply an expanding repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to create and make high quality dishes for a wide range of people.

  • Pupils will evaluate and test their ideas and the work of others, and make recommendations for improvements.


Pupils in both year 10 and 11 work towards a Level 2 B-Tec in Home cooking skills.

  • All pupils will be confident selecting correct ingredients for recipies 

  • Prepare ingredients as described in the recipe 

  • Show skills in cooking the dish following the instructions 

  • Prepare and cook food safely 

  • Prepare and cook food hygienically 

  • Explain way to economise when coking at home

  • Apply presentation skills 

  • Identify ways information about cooking meals from scratch can be passed on to others.

In Food Technology, we work with Careers to prepare our pupils for adulthood. As part of the drive to meet the Gatsby 4 benchmark.


Chester Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NA

June Sedgwick | School Business Manager

0151 832 6600

Designated Safeguarding Lead -


At Archers Brook School we recognise the importance of building safe, supportive relationships with the children, young people and families that we work with. By applying the principles of Our Way of Working we celebrate our settings ability to apply a trauma informed approach.

Artsmark Parter Autism Accreditation West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber Of Commerce Forest School Association Sport England The Nurture Group Network The Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Healhty School The basic Skills Agency. Quality mark 3 chesire west & cheshire Investors In Families