Careers Information

Careers at Archers Brook

At Archers Brook school we understand the importance of a stable careers programme that is embedded within the curriculum. A massive emphasis is placed upon the importance of careers and all KS3 pupils have an hour per week dedicated to careers within their timetable. KS4 pupils spend an hour every half term dedicated to researching and understanding their wide range of post 16 options to ensure they have the opportunity to influence their own career pathway and journey.

KS4 pupils, whilst completing PSD ASDAN award, also complete a preparation for work unit which is solely dedicated to improving pupils understanding of how they can prepare for the world of work. This unit coincides with our 2-week work experience offer. All Yr10 pupils are encouraged to participate in a work experience placement in June. Pupils will take part in an informal interview to help them to prepare for their placement. The placements help boost the young person's self-esteem and gives them a real focus on the next few months of their schooling. Although the experience covers 2 weeks, we tailor each of the experiences to suit our pupils needs.   

As well as designated Careers lessons, our young people will gain subject specific careers lessons during the course of the academic year. Subject leads will facilitate employer encounters and visits as well as giving our pupils up to date market information.

We are part of the Cheshire and Warrington Hub and we are committed to working towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. of Good Careers Guidance. Our programme is mapped to both the new CDI framework and the skills builder framework. Our careers programme aims to:  

  • Raise aspirations as pupils seek and research a broad range of lifelong opportunities available to them.
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to reflect upon and develop essential skills for the workplace.
  • Deepen knowledge of post 16 and career options whilst supporting pupils onto a career pathway developed and designed by them.
  • Provide and array of interactions with FE establishments and employers.

We work closely with the Young Chambers, Careers and Enterprise Company, The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge and Youth Fed in order to ensure we are able to deliver a programme that is rich in providing multiple opportunities to allow our pupils to access and encounter many employers, employees, workplaces and further education establishments. 

We have also created many connections with local employers and further education establishments including: Altimex, Molly's Urban Farm, Bren Bikes, Hospice of the Good Shepherd, Cheshire College South and West and Russell Taylor Groupings. Being part of the Pledge Explore Programme ensures our connections with local employers continues to grow on a regular basis.   

Our careers programme, along with any updates, is shared regularly with members of the SLT.

The Careers Leader at Archers Brook is Mr Kavanagh. Should you have any queries about careers or post 16 options please contact or call via 0151 338 2141 and ask for Mr Kavanagh. 

Archers Brook are reviewed by the Careers and Enterprise Company. We are provided with information advice and guidance through our allocated Enterprise Coordinator Ceri Morgan who can be contacted via email on  

Archers Brook Schools Careers Governor is Jon Clayton.  To contact the Careers Governor please email



Sally Kemp  Impartial Careers Advice 
Emma Wild, Ann Marie Squires, Gary Fields, Luke Hormbrey, Daniel Stubbs School Enterprise Team 
Jim Hilditch  PSD lead
Emma Frost Curriculum lead 




Chester Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NA

June Sedgwick | School Business Manager

0151 832 6600

Designated Safeguarding Lead -


At Archers Brook School we recognise the importance of building safe, supportive relationships with the children, young people and families that we work with. By applying the principles of Our Way of Working we celebrate our settings ability to apply a trauma informed approach.

Artsmark Parter Autism Accreditation West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber Of Commerce Forest School Association Sport England The Nurture Group Network The Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Healhty School The basic Skills Agency. Quality mark 3 chesire west & cheshire Investors In Families