Key Stage 2

Archers Brook School offers a broad and rich curriculum for Key Stage 2 pupils with a range of complex social, emotional and mental health issues. We provide quality education and support for Year 5 and 6 pupils to enable them to become successful and confident learners.

Pupils are encouraged through reward and feedback to engage positively with their timetable. Due to our flexible approach, we can tailor some elements of the school day to meet individual needs and ensure that pupil’s access learning/activities in a way that makes them feel able to participate and succeed.


The intent of the KS2 curriculum at Archers Brook is to develop confident and successful learners using innovative and creative learning opportunities. It is designed to help break down any barriers to learning, adapting to the needs of the individual wherever possible.


Pupils follow the primary national curriculum, but it is adapted to suit the individual needs of the pupil. We provide a variety of learning experiences to help develop our pupils emotional development, communication and social skills as well as promoting a positive attitude to others and learning.

KS2 pupils are integrated into our whole school community and have some lessons in the main school. This allows them to access specialist teachers for a variety of subject such as; maths, science, music, PE and food technology. This enriches the primary curriculum and their learning experiences, as well as supporting their transition into Key Stage 3 - whether this is with us at Archers Brook or in their next identified setting.


  • Pupils achieve well – making good progress from their starting points. They will have the knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary that empowers them.

  • Pupils have access to a wide and varied curriculum, enabling each of them to excel as individuals and be the best they can be.

  • Pupils are happy and resilient learners.

  • Pupils show kindness, compassion, and empathy.

What we do in KS2

Pupils access a varied curriculum and follow the national curriculum, which is adapted to meet the needs of the individual.

Subjects Taught:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Science

  • Computing/ICT

  • Geography

  • History

  • Art

  • Languages

  • Music

  • Physical Education

  • Personal Social Development (including life skills, RE, RSE and Zones of Regulation)

  • Forest School and Horticulture

  • Food Technology

  • Craft and Design Technology

Pupils have onsite access to additional support from specialist practitioners - mental health first aid, counselling, play therapy and holistic therapy.


Chester Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NA

June Sedgwick | School Business Manager

0151 832 6600

Designated Safeguarding Lead -


At Archers Brook School we recognise the importance of building safe, supportive relationships with the children, young people and families that we work with. By applying the principles of Our Way of Working we celebrate our settings ability to apply a trauma informed approach.

Artsmark Parter Autism Accreditation West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber Of Commerce Forest School Association Sport England The Nurture Group Network The Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Healhty School The basic Skills Agency. Quality mark 3 chesire west & cheshire Investors In Families