Message from Archers Brook
Thank you so much for your interest in our School. We lead a great team of professionals who are committed to providing a safe, happy, enjoyable and inspiring learning environment in which all pupils can develop academically, socially, emotionally and morally to their full potential.
The staff team at Archers Brook have a tireless determination to help every child and young person who comes through the doors to succeed. From the moment we meet our pupils we begin working with them and their families to create the building blocks for their future. Our expectations are very high for behaviour, achievement and personal development. We have a well-designed and considered curriculum that extends opportunities towards excellence for all through 3 clear pathways and across the 24 hours, supporting the pupils in their learning journey at every step of the way. With this in mind, we recognise that for many of our children the journey of education so far has been far from easy, which is why we think creatively about our approach to learning. We know each child well enough to be able to set ambitious, realistic targets and put in place a personalised education plan and support that is right for them. The academic offer sit alongside a well-established offer of additional support such as access to our Nurture Base, Art Therapist, Forest School and Outdoor pursuits curriculum as we understand all too well that our learners gain best in their development when we teach to the whole child.
We love nothing more than celebrating the achievements of our young people, which are many from their KS4 exam results to winning national competitions and undertaking The Duke of Edinburgh Award and we take time to acknowledge the progress they make. We are delighted that our pupils feel confident to leave us after Year 11 to go on to further education, with most returning to mainstream education pathways having exceeded their own expectations. Due to this relentless drive of all staff to provide a safe, joyful and inspiring environment, pupils gain the skills that they require to leave Archers Brook School as well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the skills for life post 16.
Kind regards
S J Myers-Whittaker